Thursday, January 6, 2011

Janathon Day 6

Wahoo! I got off my butt today. I knew tonight was going to be crazy, so I got up earlier and did a 15 minute walk before work. I am actually proud of myself. It would've been waaaay to easy to blow it off again today. However, I've decided to lighten up on myself. Life gets in the way sometimes. The big picture is that I'm going to do the best with what I have. If I have to squeeze in workouts randomly because my plans changed, it's ok. Something is better than nothing.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Running Meditations said...

I think balance is key to a healthy life and it sounds like you are making one heck of an effort. Well done.

Housework should count high on the list of fitness and flexibility with all the lifting, bending and stretching required, on top of a days work.

d'RC said...

Thanks for visiting. I'm doing my best with balance. It is definitely not an easy thing for me.

kathryn said...

Such a good idea to get up a bit earlier and do the exercise *before* the craziness of the day gets underway. I also try to remember that the exercise is actually more important than much of the other stuff I think that I *have* to do.

Well done today.